57th Venice Biennale - Editor's Pick: Rising Stars
Canvas Magazine


Born in 1972, Nevin Aladağ was barely a year old when her parents fled Turkey to settle in Berlin. Although she was raised in a German environment and studied art at the Münchner Akademie, the young Aladağ soon realised that, given her name and background, it would be a challenge for her work not to be framed by the family history of migration, or reduced by identity politics. “Of course, my background has an influence,” she reflects when we chat on the phone about her work at the Biennale, “I was brought up with two cultures, and I appreciated that a lot, but as an artist I also produce works that are related to social issues, such as politics, geography and the condition of women … In short, the subjects my works refer to are more important than my roots; my background matters, but the work deserves another perspective – more perspectives, in fact!”

Read the full article here: 57th Venice Biennale – Editor’s Pick: Rising Stars, Canvas Magazine, p. 110-125.