group Show
Le professeurs gribouillent aussi
Beaux-Arts, Paris
08.02.2023 – 21.04.2023

Echoing the exhibition Gribouillage / Scarabocchio, from Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly, the Drawing and Graphic Arts Department of Beaux-Arts de Paris presents for the first time a group exhibition of artists who are professors and former professors of the School.

With the sketches, sources, paths, thought processes and creations of forty teachers from the Beaux-Arts de Paris, Les professeurs gribouillent aussi... offers an encounter with the genesis of the works of these artists and constitutes a unique testimony to the creation of a unique testimony to today's creation.

The exhibition explores the diversity of doodling practices within the School - drawing, printmaking, digital printing, video, sculpture and mosaic - and addresses its different facets: from the drawings that accumulate in the studio to nourish future creations and are and are regularly discarded, to the scribbling as a field of possibilities, a field of experimentation and a space of freedom necessary for creation freedom necessary for creation, which allows for a renewed, more immediate practice.