
John McAllister is an American painter known for his vibrant and evocative works that draw inspiration from the rich traditions of post-Impressionism and Fauvism. His paintings are characterized by their bold use of color, intricate patterns, and a lush, almost tropical sensibility. His work often features landscapes, still lifes and interiors that evoke a sense of timeless beauty and serene contemplation. McAllister's unique style results in immersive visual experiences that celebrate the interaction of light and color.


John McAllister was born in 1973 in Slidell, Louisiana. He currently lives and works in Northampton, Massachusetts.


McAllister's works are held in the following collections: HNA Group Inc. Collection, Hong Kong, HK | Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, US | Collection of Martin Eisenberg, New York, US | UBS Art Collection, New York, US | The Rubell Family Collection, Miami, US | Collection of Joseph Mimran, Toronto, CA | Collection of César and Mimi Reyes, San Juan, PR | Collection of Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, Regensburg, DE.

Gallery Exhibitions