Gregor Hildebrandt – Tönend hallt die Jugend

Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, DE
7 Oct – 18 Nov 2018, October 7, 2018

Gregor Hildebrandts images, objects and installations process analogue data carriers. An invisible further dimension is created through the usage of deformed vinyls, tape boxes or close-packed audiotapes clued on canvas, forming minimal works, room-high steles or pictorial tableaus, adding to their musical backstory. 


HIldebrand creates cleare but nevertheless sensual works with a strong haptic character. HIs almost obsessive working style by using auditotapes, filmtapes and vinyls reflects on his contemplation on time, material, gesture and form - things being almost invisible to daily life.

Gregor Hildebrandt was born in Homburg in 1974, studied in Mainz and Berlin and was appointed to the acadmey of fine arts in Munich as professor for painting and graphic design in 2015.


Installed as a retrospective, the exhibition combines early images with new, especially for the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen created works. At all times the artworks are thought of in the context of the surrounding space - forming a staging together.