
Anastasia Samoylova is an American photographer recognized for her intriguing explorations of environmental themes, urban landscapes, and the juncture of nature and human activity. Her vibrant images, abundant in color and detail, provide insightful observations on climate change, consumerism, and the effects of urbanization.


Anastasia Samoylova was born in Moscow in 1984. She lives and works in Miami.


Recent exhibitions include the Eastman Museum, Rochester, US | Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, US | The Photographer's Gallery, London, UK | Kunst Haus Wien, AT | HistoryMiami Museum, Miami, US | Musée des Beaux-Arts, Le Locle, CH.

Samoylova's works are held in the collections at the Pérez Art Museum, Miami, US | The High Museum of Art, Atlanta, US | Museum of Fine Arts, Le Locle, AU | Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, US, among others.

She has published several monographs, including Image Cities (Fundación MAPFRE/Hatje Cantz, 2023), Floridas (Steidl, 2022), and FloodZone (Steidl, 2019).

Gallery Exhibitions
Public Exhibitions